Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Still No Takers...

Earl is still at the office, but I'm not complaining! He is needier than ever and can't seem to get enough love from us. I thought since Buffy and Cujo are in their new home, office productivity would go back up, but I was wrong. Earl cries until you can't take it anymore and give in to playing with him. And it's hard to resist when you seem him jump and run after his toys -- he clears at least three feet! Here he is helping Morris with the mail = ) This great picture was taken by our wonderful co-op student, Carol.

Sorry for not writing over the past couple weeks; we've been busy preparing tax receipts for our monthly donors to our political party, the Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada. Yes, it is a mouthful -- we're working on it.

Liz just finished editing a paper written by board member and birder Barry Kent-McKay. The reason for the paper is Parks Canada's inclination to slaughter the cormorants on Middle Island, in Lake Erie, instead of leaving the native bird alone. All their reasons are scientifically unsound, so we're doing our best to talk some sense into them.

And it looks like Liz is on her way back to Guelph. They are close to a decision on the trapping issue. Please visit the link below and let council know that traps should be banned, once and for all!


Monday, 7 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and restful holiday.

It was a flurry of activity here at the office over the past few weeks. Liz is madly trying to finish editing a paper, written by Barry Kent-McKay, that is to be submitted to Parks Canada. After we campaigned against the cormorant cull in Presqu'ile by the Ministry of Natural Resources, we must now campaign against Parks Canada, a branch of Environment Canada which seems determined to kill cormorants on Middle Island, in Lake Erie.

Jacqui was burried in requests for Project Jessie packages that people wanted to give away as Christmas gifts. With some help from our wonderful co-op students, she managed to send them all out.

I've been busy with our monthly donor processing, paying bills, and preparing to send out about 800 receipts for people's contributions to our political party.

The good news is that a few kitties found their new homes over the holidays. We still have Earl here at the office. He's as needy and demanding as ever! His pictures don't do him justice; you have to see him in action! For Christmas, we gave him an empty box, which he loves -- as they all do!

And just as an update, please visit www.spaycentral.com for info on the progress of Toronto's first potential low-cost spay / neuter clinic.

The year has started off to be a busy one -- I hope for the animals' sake that it's also a successful one.