The past few weeks have been super busy with meetings and reports and mailings. There are bear issues in New Brunswick and Quebec; ongoing shelter issues with municipalities across Ontario; cormorant and other wildlife sagas in our provincial and national parks; and closer to home, our two office fosters will be leaving to make room for other kitties in need.
Alice will be going with Shelly and Bobby (that's him in the pic) to another foster home, in order for us to accomodate four kittens with feline aids. The liklihood of these kittens being adopted is slim to none, but at least they'll be able to grow up in the (relative) peace and security of the office. They came to Project Jessie during the municipal strike. We hoped and hoped that the tests would come back negative but it looks as though they're going to have to live with the stigma of aids. We have to be realistic in that they could be with us their entire lives. I just think it's sad that someone wouldn't want to open their heart and home to a wonderful companion because of possible medical complications and expenses. I would take them home if I weren't so damn allergic to cats!
Still, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that some kind human will surpise us all and adopt them.
My next task will be to say good-bye to Bobby and Alice, wishing them all the best on their next part of their journey through life.
Stay warm everyone!
Till next time,
lia and the office crew