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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Great News!

The City of London, ON, will not be killing any deer in 2010!

After we presented alternatives to council last year on how to help the city's sensitive Sifton Bog, councillors still thought killing deer with bows and arrows was the only solution. A report for council by city ecologist Bonnie Bergsma notes that it is humans and the invasive buckthorn, not the deer, that threatens the health of the bog.

For the most recent article on the issue, visit

Thanks to everyone who spoke up on behalf of the deer!

If you have a moment, please send "Thanks!" to London's Mayor and Members of Council:

Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best and Members of Council
c/o City Hall
214- 300 Dufferin Avenue
London, Ontario N6B 1Z2

Mayor DeCicco-Best:
City Hall: 519 661-2500 Ext. 4920
City Hall Fax: 519 661-5308

Unfortunately, our work to protect deer is not over. Now the City of Hamilton's Conservation Authority is considering killing deer in the city's Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area. Much like London's Sifton Bog, Iroquoia Heights is a magnificent green space, surrounded by a highway on two sides and homes and major road on the other two sides. Not completely cut off from other green spaces, the deer in Iroquoia Heights are able to move in and out of the conservation area. The Conservation Authority is arguing the deer carry disease, are negatively impacting the Conservation area, are causing car accidents - all the same arguments as other pro-culling municipalities.

Please send a message to Hamilton's City Council - Council needs to consider humane, non-lethal alternatives and promote programs and policies that enourage tolerance of wildlife in the urban area.

Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Members of Council
Hamilton City Centre
77 James St. North
PO Box 2040, LCD 1
Hamilton, ON L8R 2K3

Mayor Eisenberger:
City Hall: 905-546-4200
City Hall Fax: 905-546-2340

With gratitude for your help,
Lia and the AAC crew