Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Hamilton Deer Committee

For those who have voiced their opposition to Hamilton's consideration of a deer cull at Iroquoia Heights - THANK YOU!

The next Deer Management Advisory Committee meeting, which was scheduled for today, has been cancelled. We will be sure to inform you of the next date for those who wish to join us.

Members of the public are encouraged to review the Committee's Terms of Reference and meeting Minutes. All meetings are open to the public. If you would like to address the Committee, you must contact the Secretary, Shari Faulkenham, to do so.

All meetings are held at 310 Wilson St E, Ancaster, unless otherwise indicated.
May 19, 2010 - Meeting Agenda
June 2, 2010 - Meeting Agenda
June 16, 2010 - Meeting at and Tour of Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area
June 30, 2010 - rescheduled
Sept 8, 2010
Oct 6, 2010
Nov 3, 2010

Click on the following link for more information on Hamilton's Deer Management Advisory Committee.

We need to make sure that the City implements a non-lethal approach to the deer. Please call and write the Mayor and Members of Council urging them to implement a non-lethal prevention programme for the deer in Iroquoia Heights and throughout the City of Hamilton.

THANK YOU all again, for being a voice for the animals.

Lia and the AAC crew


Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Members of Council
Hamilton City Centre
77 James St. North
P.O.Box 2040, LCD1
Hamilton, ON L8R 2K3

Telephone: 905.546.4200
Fax: 905.546.2340

Friday, 25 June 2010

Toronto's Animals affected by G20

While we may be worried about property damage and traffic delays, animals at Toronto Animal Services (TAS) South Centre are feeling the affects too of world leaders descending upon Toronto. Through no fault of their own, TAS staff have decreased access to the building and the animals in their care. Some animals have been moved to the city's other shelters, but for those that remain, we're certain that the end of the G20 cannot come soon enough.

If anyone has a stray who needs help, the South Centre will be back to normal soon. At the moment, animals are being rerouted to the city's other shelters. The Toronto Humane Society (THS), now under new management, will also be reopening at the end of the month. Please feel free to call us if you need any advice.

If you need to rehome your cat or dog, the THS has started booking appointments ("To inquire about surrendering your animal please contact 416 392 2273 ext. 2248 or"). Many groups, including Project Jessie and the THS, will do a curtesy posting - just e-mail a photo, description of your companion animal, and your contact information. This is a great way to minimize the stress of rehoming, especially since coping with a shelter setting is difficult for many animals.

We hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend,
Lia and the AAC crew

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Hamilton Deer Meeting

Liz and I were in Hamilton last night for another meeting regarding the deer at Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area. The meeting began with a review of the Committee's Terms of Reference, which are still in draft format. The Committee has one more issue to discuss in this regard.

The meeting went on to discuss correspondence the City has received about the deer. Interestingly, people writing in to support the deer are writing in from other cities!

For those in Hamilton, it would be great if you could
write or e-mail Council with your thoughts

The Committee was then presented with the 2009 Deer Wintering Survey, prepared by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. The discussion and questions that arose were thought-provoking and, hopefully, informative for the Committee.

The night had to end there. The next meeting, on June 16, is going to be at Iroquoia Heights for a tour of the area. If it rains, the Committee will be meeting at the Town Hall (address below).

Members of the public are encouraged to review the Committee's Terms of Reference and meeting Minutes. All meetings are open to the public. If you would like to address the Committee, you must contact the Secretary, Shari Faulkenham, to do so.

All meetings are held at the Old Ancaster Town Hall, 310 Wilson St E, Ancaster, unless otherwise indicated.

May 19, 2010 - Meeting Agenda
June 2, 2010 - Meeting Agenda
June 16, 2010 - Meeting at and Tour of Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area
June 30, 2010 - Public Forum
Sept 8, 2010
Oct 6, 2010
Nov 3, 2010

Click on the following link for more information on Hamilton's
Deer Management Advisory Committee.