Thursday, 29 July 2010

On Behalf of the Guelph Beagles, Thank You!

There has been a tremendous outpouring of support for the little beagles from the VSTEP programme in Guelph. We have been in touch with a number of people who sound like ideal adoptive families, so many that we are confident the staff at the Central Animal Facility (CAF) will be able to find homes for them all. We hear from potential adopters that CAF staff have responded promptly to phone calls. They will screen applicants and arrange for interviews. We want to thank the CAF staff for making sure the beagles find loving, permanent homes.

If anyone is still interested in adopting an animal from the University, please feel free to call CAF Animal Care Technician Annette Morrison at 1-519-824-4120 ext: 54308 for more information. There are other animals who are up for adoption and are in need of a second chance.

The University has made significant advances by no longer purchasing lost pets from pounds and shelters and by agreeing to recover these 10 beagles. We encourage the University to continue with their progress by ending live terminal surgeries during the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree programme at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). We have been contacted by a number of veterinarians who are excited by the prospect of change, not just at VSTEP but at the OVC as well. We all eagerly await the University's decision.

As an aside, if you are in the Guelph area and would like to help, the Central Animal Facility also has a volunteer programme for those interesting in spending time with the animals. To find out more about their dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig and rat volunteer programs, contact them at 519- 824-4120 Ext. 54311. As well, there are many volunteer opportunities available to you at the OVC Teaching Hospital. For more information visit

Again, on behalf of the the beagles and from all of us at Animal Alliance, THANK YOU!!!

Liz and the Animal Alliance crew

416-462-9541 ext: 23

Monday, 26 July 2010

University of Guelph Beagles Need Homes!

Beagles at the University of Guelph need our help. Please let us explain the situation.

For the past few months, Animal Alliance has been working to rescue beagles used in the Veterinary Skills Training and Enhancement Program (VSTEP). VSTEP is a program for international vets who want to practice in Ontario. Typically, the beagles are spayed then euthanized. We've said to the manager of VSTEP that the beagles do not have to die, that Animal Alliance can find them loving homes. After a great deal of pressure from us, the beagles are going to be recovered but adopted out only to individuals, not released to Animal Alliance's care.

If you have been thinking about adopting a dog, we have been informed that these beagles are sweet, lovely little girls. There are 10 beagles, all female and approximately one to two years of age. They will likely need lots of love and patience. Most have spent their entire lives in cages and have never walked outside, climbed upstairs or been on a leash. But they are gentle loving animals in need of a permanent loving home.

Please call or e-mail us to learn more about the process and how you can help.

On behalf of the beagles, thank you!!!

Tail wags,
Liz and the Animal Alliance crew

416-462-9541 ext: 23

Friday, 16 July 2010

Hamilton Deer and Toronto Feral Cats

Just a couple quick updates.

The meeting Tuesday night of the Hamilton Deer Committee was mostly concerned with tidying up how the Committee would function and issues that still need to be considered. There was brief discussion about the deer; when the Committee reconvenes in the fall, the deer will be discussed more in depth. Although the Committee will not be meeting for the remainder of the summer, please keep sending in letters and calling the City in support of progressive, non-lethal methods to deal with factors affecting Iroquoia Heights (since there are more complicated factors than simply the deer eating vegetation!).

Yesterday, Liz and I attended a meeting of the Toronto Feral Cat TNR Coalition (more on this to come). Both of us were very excited to see a number of groups working together to address Toronto's feral cat population. This progressive, cooperative initiative is quite unique. A big congratulations to Toronto Animal Services and all the groups involved for working to help the ferals!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Lia and the AAC crew

Friday, 9 July 2010

Hamilton Deer and other stuff

Update Number 1:

For those who have voiced their opposition to Hamilton's consideration of a deer cull at Iroquoia Heights - THANK YOU!

The next Deer Management Advisory Committee meeting is Tuesday July 13, 2010, 7pm, Ancaster Mun. Building, Murray Ferguson Room.

Members of the public are encouraged to review the Committee's Terms of Reference and meeting Minutes. All meetings are open to the public. If you would like to address the Committee, you must contact the Secretary, Shari Faulkenham, to do so.

Click on the following link for more information on Hamilton's Deer Management Advisory Committee.

UPDATE Number 2: from the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

Canada has its first Bill to ban horse slaughter! A big thank you to NDP MP Alex Atamanenko and horse supporters everywhere for this huge, historical step toward banning horse slaughter in Canada.

Bill C-544, "An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act and the Meat Inspection Act (slaughter of horses for human consumption)", was tabled on June 16, 2010 by MP Alex Atamanenko:

Click on the various sub-titles on the left of the document.

On June 16, 2010, a Private Member's Bill to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption was tabled in Canadian Parliament by MP Alex Atamanenko (NDP Agriculture Critic). The basis of the bill is the fact that horses are not food-producing animals and many are treated with drugs that are prohibited from entering the human food chain.

This bill is a huge step forward in the movement to abolish a cruel, archaic and unnecessary industry, and we applaud Mr. Atamanenko for his monumental initiative.

UPDATE Number 3: from yours truly

Last night, my husband and I brought home Tegan, a Project Jessie cat who has been waiting for a home for nearly a year. Introductions to our two other Project Jessie rescues will be slow but I'm confident everything is going to work out. Poor little Tegan was the last of his litter to find a home - Shelly says that it's quite difficult to find people willing to adopt black cats. But Tegan doesn't have to wait anymore. He's home at last. = )