Tuesday, 22 March 2011

ACTION ALERT ! Big Lakes Alberta Wolf Bounty.

On behalf of the Canadian Wolf Coalition, of which we are a part.

Please help us put an end to this misguided cruelty.

Problem: Rural Municipality of Big Lakes Alberta began offering a $300 bounty on wolves in September 2010. In just In just 7 months 63 wolves killed and claimed!

Why?: Because not all of these wolves have killed livestock, and many likely never would have.

Because the executives of the Big Lakes rural municipality refuse to respond to our concerns and recommendations, or even those of Fish and Wildlife who presented to the council about alternative solutions.

This is $18,900 paid out in tax dollars which could have gone to prevention through improved husbandry practices, education about how to reduce conflicts between predators and livestock, or many other areas in need of funding???

Will the bounty work? No! Because decades of research show that bounties are not effective in the long term for reducing livestock losses to predators, so wolves are being killed needlessly. Other wolves will move in to fill vacant territories. Remember that not all wolves kill livestock.

Issues: What right does this municipality have to disrupt a top predator that is a natural resource to You? The ecological role of wolves as top predators and keystone species means they help maintain biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.
· This unethical act in the name of livestock protection is NOT being supported by Alberta Agriculture.

· Livestock producers need to take some responsibility and promote responsible husbandry practices.

· Many of the wolves being claimed are not even by livestock producers! This is a cash grab.

Action: Phone or e-mail the following people to let them know that you do not support these unnecessary actions in the name of livestock loss prevention. Wolf bounties are immoral and irresponsible.  Please politely urge them to do what they can to see this stopped!

Please cc: info@northernlightswildlife.com on all emails.

People to Contact:

Municipal council through the executive secretary of the Big Lakes Municipality (Amanda) execsecretary@mdbiglakes.ca

780-523-5955 or toll free 1-866-523-5955

Association of Alberta Agriculture Fieldmen for Municipal District of Big Lakes agassist@mdbiglakes.ca 780-523-5955

agriculture@mdbiglakes.ca 780-523-5955

Alberta Minister of Agriculture Jack Hayden agriculture.minister@gov.ab.ca 780-427-2137

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Mel Knight srd.infocent@gov.ab.ca 780-415-4815

Alberta Minister of Environment Rob Renner complaints: 1-800-222-6514 env.infocent@gov.ab.ca

Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach premier@gov.ab.ca  780-427-2251

Alberta Fish and Wildlife program manager enforcement field services steven.cross@gov.ab.ca

Visit Canadian Wolf Coalition’s website for more information:  http://www.canadianwolfcoalition.com/