Point Pelee National Park To Kill Over 7000 Birds In Four Days.
Beginning April 30, 2008, Parks Canada will shoot thousands of nesting double-crested cormorants at Point Pelee National Park. They have scheduled 4 days - April 30, May 1, 2, and 5 to complete the slaughter. It is going to be really bad and very sad.
Join Us In Protest against this killing of nesting birds.
Day of Action - Sunday May 18, 2008 (Victoria Day long weekend)
Point Pelee National Park – primary location
Ojibway Nature Centre – Windsor
Pelee Island ferry docks - Leamington
Rondeau Provincial Park – Chatham
Long Point Provincial Park – south of Kitchener
Ward’s Island - Toronto
The action is simple. It involves handing out information asking visitors to boycott Point Pelee National Park. For those visitors already at Point Pelee, we will ask them to wear black arm bands while in the park, and consider cancelling future visits to the park.
All action will occur outside the park gates and off park property.
The Peaceful Parks Coalition has called for a boycott of Point Pelee National Park because we believe a boycott would be effective. Visitors to Point Pelee are already at an all time low, and a strong rejection of park policy by supporters could halt the shooting of cormorants scheduled for the next five years.
Parks Canada is part of a broader partnership, that includes the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto Region and Conservation Authority, Canadian Wildlife Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, whose mandate is to kill double-crested cormorants at their nesting sites throughout the Great Lakes basin, leaving no place safe for these birds anywhere.
For detailed background information, please link to www.peacefulparks.org and http://www.peacefulparks.org/ppc/action_cormoranthm.htm
The information that will be distributed will be an updated version of the two factsheets included below: Boycott Point Pelee National Park – Protect Birds and Why a Boycott Will Work.
The Peaceful Parks Coalition will provide all information factsheets, organize transportation and billeting for those who can travel to Point Pelee National Park, and will provide all participants with a protocol on how to interact with the public.
If you can help, please forward your full name, address and telephone number.
Please circulate widely
Peaceful Parks Coalition W. www.peacefulparks.org E. ppc@peacefulparks.org T. toll free 1.877.785.8636
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