Monday, 10 December 2007

Thanks for the visit!

To all of you who visited us yesterday during our drop-in office party, thank you! We had a wonderful time meeting and chatting with you all. And for those who could not attend, perhaps another time. An open-ended invitation is extended to anyone who would like to come to the office for lunch or a quick coffee!

Teddy and Earl were very well behaved during all the chaos of the party; Earl was particularly laid back, contented to sit on anyone's lap, staying wherever he was plunked down! They're both exhausted today, though, poor little guys = ) What patience to put up with people!

That's Bijoux in the picture above. Shelly reports that Bijoux is doing very well, mischievously getting into everything, and getting away with it thanks to that beautiful little face of hers! She has an appointment with the vet soon to decide what to do about her feeding tube. Stay up-to-date by visiting and clicking on Bijoux's story. We have had such an outpouring of support for Bijoux, we really cannot thank you all enough for your compassion and generosity.

I hope that compassion at this time of year extends to people's dinner tables as they sit down to feast. I'm so thankful for my food as I prepare myself to eat, but I can't help cringing as my family digs into turkey. What a brief, difficult and cruel life those birds must endure. I'll have to make sure I bite my tongue before my convictions get the better of me! All I can do is hope that people are thankful and respectful of the lives that were involuntarily sacrificed for them.

(On that cheery note!) Wishing you all a safe and merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa or whatever else you celebrate. And thank you again for all your support for our non-human friends = ^..^ =

Monday, 19 November 2007

Join Us In Celebration!

It’s that time of year again! And we’re having a party! Come join us for drinks and vegan snacks. We would love to see friends again and for those whom we have not yet met, finally to put faces to names. And the more, the merrier, so bring a friend!

Date: Sunday December 9, 2007

Time: 12 pm – 7 pm

Location: Animal Alliance office at Broadview and Dundas
221 Broadview Avenue, Suite 101, Toronto, ON M4M 2G3
(please ring the AAC bell outside the front door, street parking available)

Please RSVP: call Lia @ 416-462-9541 ext: 24

A note from Earl Grey, the cat: The wonderful humans here at Animal Alliance have been so kind to take me in. Since I’m new here, if you wouldn’t mind, please leave your canine friend at home. I do apologize but I would be ever so grateful!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Our Earl

You'll have to pardon me, but I can't help talking about Earl Grey. He's so darn cute, and I would have never expected him to come around like he has. Cujo and Buffy have left the office for their foster/forever home, but we're preparing for their possible return (things aren't going as well as we expected with their new cat-mate). In the mean time, since Cujo is gone, Earl has settled in amazingly - surprisingly, they didn't get along at all. He even turned belly-up in my arms last night when I came into the office to visit him - so cute! When he was first brought indoors, from off the street, he barely wanted us to touch him. Now he cries for hugs! He's so gentle and he's finally playing! I think he would probably do best in a home by himself but we're testing out integrating him with yet ANOTHER boy we have here, Teddy. Cross your fingers ; )

Shelly came down to the office a few weeks ago for a staff meeting and brought little Bijoux with her. Another amazing kitty! You would never know that she was sick because she's full of beans now! If you don't know about Bijoux, check out Shelly's blog on the Project Jessie website. Thanks to everyone who donated and sent best wishes for Bijoux.

Liz is in Guelph today on the trapping issue again. The committee is almost at a decision as to how to handle trapping in and around the city. Let's hope the animals win...

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

It's that time of year again...

Just in time for your Holiday Shopping...

Here’s how you, your family and friends can shop & save at Bay stores across Canada and, raise funds for Animal Alliance of Canada.

The Bay is holding a special day on Saturday November 03, 2007 as a special fundraiser for those Community Groups that are registered with the Hbc Rewards Program. Shoppers with a “Giving Day” ticket will have an opportunity to save 15% on almost every item in the store.

In addition to the savings, ticket holders will be treated to special entertainment and automatically be entered for a chance to win a $2,500.00 Pre-Holiday makeover or one of five $100.00 Hbc Gift Cards.

Each ticket costs only $5.00 and AAC keeps the entire proceeds.

To order tickets, please contact Jacqui at the office (416)-462-9541 ex 22 or or use this link ( to order online.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the 4th Annual Project Jessie Reunion. We raised over $1,000!!! Tail wags until next year!

Some good news: Tabby from our office and a few other kitties in Shelly's care have all found wonderful homes. And the other week, just before a meeting, Karen Levenson (our Guelph staff member) found a wandering kitty outside our office and scooped him up -- that's him in the pic. We had him neutered, treated for fleas and had a broken tooth removed. Since we couldn't decide on a name, the vet's office granted him the title of Earl Gray. He's just learning and becoming comfortable enough to play and sit in our laps. No more worries about his next meal or trying to stay warm. He has a comfy little bed, a food bowl that's always full and Buffy and Cujo to keep him company when we're not here, mind you, I'm not sure he's too thrilled about that : )

It's good that Earl will live a leisurely life now, but he reminds us that there are so many others out there struggling, with winter on its way. Every group will tell you that this has been a particularly bad year for cats. Unless Toronto begins to consider improving its by-laws, the situation for cats will only worsen. I'm going to sound like Bob Barker but please remember to have your pets spayed or neutered. This will save generations from a harsh and inhumane life. And please consider adopting when looking for your next companion animal. Many shelters and small groups have animals with amazing personalities, fitting into all different types of lifestyles -- young animals, old ones, playful ones, lethargic ones, you name it!

If you want to know more about Earl or any other Project Jessie adoptee, just e-mail or call us. Thanks in advance!

Friday, 7 September 2007

Project Jessie 4th Annual Reunion!

COME ONE, COME ALL! On October 14th from 11 am to 2 pm at the Caledon Community Complex (see link below), Project Jessie will be having a reunion! This is a fun time to meet and greet the many wonderful dogs that have been adopted through the PJ programme and the amazing humans that helped them every inch of the way. Everyone is invited to enjoy the four-legged company, door prizes, the silent auction and raffle.

We are still looking for donations for the silent auction and raffle. Trying to figure out what to do with that old vase or gift basket of bubble bath you'll never use? We'll gladly take it off your hands! Any money raised will be of great help to the PJ programme. If you would like to lend a helping hand (or paw) or have something to donate, please contact Shelly at

Tail wags and belly rubs to all!!!

Friday, 31 August 2007

Please write Guelph!

It has been crazy in the office, to say the least. With people dropping by, computers driving us mad (they have been down for a few days now and work nearly ground to a halt), and Liz running in and out for meetings, all I can say is TGIF!

Liz's most important meeting was in Guelph on a trapping issue. At a leash-free park in 2006, Harper, a three-year-old Jack Russell, died horribly when his neck was caught in a conibear trap. His owner tried to free him but could not release the trap; Harper died in her arms as she watched helplessly. The MNR investigated, deciding that the trap was set legally and the trapper would not be charged. Karen, our resident Guelph staff member, immediately sprang to action and has since collected thousands of signatures in support of a citywide prohibition on trapping. Aside from being a cruelty issue, this is also a safety issue. Please write to the Mayor and Members of Guelph Council to tell them it's time to make Guelph a safe and compassionate city.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Our Love Bugs - Cujo and Buffy

I think Cujo (that's his handsome face in the pic at left) and Buffy deserve their 15 minutes of fame!

This lovely 5 year-old couple came into our lives quite a number of months ago. They were office cats at a company that changed ownership and employees were told that they would have to find them a new home. The transition was not easy for Buffy and Cujo, or for their previous caregivers; now we see why giving up these two sweeties was so difficult. We feel very lucky that Animal Alliance was chosen to be guardians for Buff and Cujo. No matter what new cat joins the office, Buffy and Cujo are always eager to make friends, even with the most difficult of felines. No hiss or swat has ever deterred these patient and forgiving souls.

Cujo and Buffy also eagerly await their morning and afternoon treat (a tiny bit of watered-down wet diet food!), Cujo moreso than Buffy. Thanks to their healthy food and entertaining toys, both have lost approximately two pounds! Cujo now weighs in at a hefty 18 pounds and Buffy, 10. Buffy is a little more lady-like and mostly reserved, but Cujo LOVES any available lap and LOVES to play. You'll get about 10 minutes out of him until he's down for the count! The more weight that comes off, the more he plays (when he first arrived, he had no interest in play).

A wonderful couple thought they might like to adopt Cujo and Buffy, and we were so ecstatic. We told them all these great things about the two, but when a visit was arranged, Cujo must have sensed a change in the air and decided he did not want to be adopted. He was distant and aloof for the entire visit, even shrinking away from us!

The little bugger got his way and has been here with no prospective homes ever since. I can't complain because I love them so much, but Cujo doesn't know what he's missing -- a soft couch, stairs to run up and down, company at night and on weekends. If you, or someone you know, would like to get to know Buffy and Cujo, please give us a call. When these two little love bugs wiggle their way into a home, I can guarantee it will be an adoption that some kind human will never regret.

Monday, 13 August 2007

Meet Tabby!

This is Tabby, the new addition to our office. After Beatrix found a home, we had space for another little kittly so Shelly brought us Tabby. She's a beautiful, friendly, young cat, who loves attention and loves to play! She's been here for less than a week and has already made friends with Cujo and Buffy. She greets me every morning at the door and follows us around the office as though she were a little puppy dog. I know we say this about all cats we meet but she really is a wonderful little girl! I hope, like I hope for all the cats we're fostering, that she'll find a home soon (but, at the same time, don't mind having Tabs here to play!).

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Beatrix was adopted!

Well, last week ended with an adoption! Yay!!! We wish every week could end that way : )

Taylor, a volunteer who runs our rescource centre, posted a flyer in his building about Beatrix, a beautiful, gentle 4-year-old female. Someone visiting a friend in the building saw the flyer and gave us a call. He arranged to visit Bea here at the office and, after a chat with Liz and Shelly, decided he would like to share his home with Bea. So far, things have been going just fine (yay, again!).

Bea's story is not unusual. We were contacted by a woman looking to adopt an adult cat. Shelly came across Bea at a shelter and decided that she would be perfect for this woman. Shelly brought Bea home and called the woman to tell her a wonderful cat was waiting for her. The woman said "4 years old! That's too old!" (grrrrr!) So Bea had to wait for some kind soul to open their heart and home to her.

Too many amazing critters are rejected solely because of their age. In Montreal, where 100 animals a day are killed, if you're not a kitten, you don't have a chance. They have so many cats and dogs, only the youngest are given the chance at adoption. Liz was there recently for a meeting on this issue and made it just in time to rescue Minou, who now lives with me. He's a beautiful, rambunctious, energetic 2-year-old (that's him in the pic above). And it makes me sick to think that he would have been killed simply because someone thinks he's "too old". There are simply too many and it's our fault -- but of course, it's the animals that pay the price. I catch myself glaring at people with companion animals that aren't fixed. I bite my tongue when people call the office looking to surrender their animals, especially when they aren't fixed. It's so simple yet this concept seems to be beyond the grasp of some people. Humans claim that we are more evolved and that other species are savage. At this point, I'm no longer surprised by our hypocrisy.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

First things first.

A good place to start would be with introductions. Many of you probably know us, but for those who don't, here you go. My name is Lia and, when I'm not cleaning up after the cats, I take care of our donors. Jacqui handles our Cosmetic and Product Testing campaign and is a technical whiz. And, last but not least, the head honcho - Liz - who beats down trappers then returns to the office for a snuggle with Cujo, one of our quirky office cats waiting for his furever home (more about him later).

We do it all here at the office: our amazing volunteers do our mail (many of you have received "Thank You"s from Morris!), Liz gives the government a piece of her mind, and Cujo pushes all my papers onto the floor and that's all within fifteen minutes of starting the morning! What can I say -- you have to be here to understand our organized chaos! And we hope you will be here -- we LOVE visits! Just a couple weeks ago, some wonderful donors of ours joined us for lunch. If you're in the area and need a coffee or a quick bite to eat, give us a call and pop on by : )

It's been a quiet morning so far, so I'd better get to work while I still can!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

So here we are!

So what DO we do everyday?

Here is where we can give you a weekly update on what we are working on, the issues we are winning, and the ones that are making us tear out our hair!

News and views and the ultimate reality show - life as an animal activist!

Please drop in often!