Thursday, 2 August 2007

First things first.

A good place to start would be with introductions. Many of you probably know us, but for those who don't, here you go. My name is Lia and, when I'm not cleaning up after the cats, I take care of our donors. Jacqui handles our Cosmetic and Product Testing campaign and is a technical whiz. And, last but not least, the head honcho - Liz - who beats down trappers then returns to the office for a snuggle with Cujo, one of our quirky office cats waiting for his furever home (more about him later).

We do it all here at the office: our amazing volunteers do our mail (many of you have received "Thank You"s from Morris!), Liz gives the government a piece of her mind, and Cujo pushes all my papers onto the floor and that's all within fifteen minutes of starting the morning! What can I say -- you have to be here to understand our organized chaos! And we hope you will be here -- we LOVE visits! Just a couple weeks ago, some wonderful donors of ours joined us for lunch. If you're in the area and need a coffee or a quick bite to eat, give us a call and pop on by : )

It's been a quiet morning so far, so I'd better get to work while I still can!

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