Friday, 31 August 2007

Please write Guelph!

It has been crazy in the office, to say the least. With people dropping by, computers driving us mad (they have been down for a few days now and work nearly ground to a halt), and Liz running in and out for meetings, all I can say is TGIF!

Liz's most important meeting was in Guelph on a trapping issue. At a leash-free park in 2006, Harper, a three-year-old Jack Russell, died horribly when his neck was caught in a conibear trap. His owner tried to free him but could not release the trap; Harper died in her arms as she watched helplessly. The MNR investigated, deciding that the trap was set legally and the trapper would not be charged. Karen, our resident Guelph staff member, immediately sprang to action and has since collected thousands of signatures in support of a citywide prohibition on trapping. Aside from being a cruelty issue, this is also a safety issue. Please write to the Mayor and Members of Guelph Council to tell them it's time to make Guelph a safe and compassionate city.

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